Research Databases
The UW-Madison Libraries have licensed many databases for your use. Those containing literature related to the atmospheric sciences are selectively listed below, with the best meteorology-related files listed toward the top. Once you find specific articles you’d like to read, use the Find It button within the record to locate full-text journal articles.
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts, 1974-
- Meteorology and climatology
- Physical oceanography, hydrology and glaciology
- Remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, and physics
Web of Science, 1965-
- Earth and atmospheric science
- Astronomy, physics, computer science, chemistry
Scopus, 1996-
- Atmospheric, oceanic, and climate studies
- Physics, astronomy, computer science, chemistry
NTIS Bibliographic Index, 1964-
- Government-funded research in science and technology fields
INSPEC, 1896-
- Physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computers
Georef, 1669 (North America)- 1933 (Worldwide)-
- Earth sciences
Oceanic Abstracts, 1981-
- Marine biology, physical oceanography, fisheries
- Aquaculture, meteorology, geology
- Environment, technology and legislative topics
Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace, 1962-
- Aeronautics and astronautics
- Computer technology and electronics
- Space and atmospheric sciences
- NASA conference papers, images, journal articles, patents, research reports
Google and Google Scholar,
- Search scientific literature with results ranked by relevancy
- Read About Google Scholar for information on content and coverage
- See Google’s Advanced Search page to limit searched to link, title, or domain
- For more in-depth information subject-specific databases (listed above) are highly recommended