A-TReC: Atlantic-THORPEX Regional Campaign (A-TReC)
The North Atlantic THORPEX Regional Campaign (A-TReC) is a new international experiment which could change the way the weather is observed and forecast. By targeting the observations in areas where they are specifically needed THORPEX* hopes to improve the accuracy of forecasts – especially of weather systems which are particularly difficult to track.
The A-TReC is planned as a field campaign to make a significant contribution towards this common goal. The primary aim of the A-TReC is to test the real-time quasi-operational targeting of observations using a number of platforms (including AMDAR, ASAP ships, extra radiosonde ascents, research aircraft and meteorological satellites). To do this, it is necessary to identify suitable cases for targeting, provide information on the location of sensitive areas, and have the facilities to deliver extra observations within these areas at short notice. The ATReC will be the first time that the real-time adaptive control of such a complex set of observing platforms has been attempted. It is considered to be an essential preparation or ‘proof of concept’ for future targeting field campaigns. Additional scientific objectives of the ATReC will contribute to the understanding of the location and predictability of sensitive areas and the impact of targeted observations on forecast performance [and the benefit of potential new observing platforms].
The A-TReC will form one of three THORPEX Regional Campaigns (TReCs) planned during 2003/2004. The purpose of these TReCs is to test and evaluate experimental and operational remote sensing and in-situ observing systems, including (where feasible) their impact on data-assimilation, forecasts and user products.
From: Atlantic-THORpex Regional Campaign (A-TReC) operations plan. EUMETNET, Offenbach, Germany, 2004.
CIMSS provided GOES-12 super rapid scan operations wind products during the campaign.
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Christopher S. Velden Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
- Dave Stettner Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
Related Websites
Bedka, S. T.; Feltz, W. F.; Schreiner, A. J., and Holz, R. E. Satellite-derived cloud top pressure product validation using aircraft-based cloud physics lidar data from the ATReC field campaign. International Journal of Remote Sensing v.28, no.10, 2007, pp2221-2239. Reprint #5409.
GOES image of mid troposphere rapid scan Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) during ATReC observation period 12, day 1, 13 November 2003
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), University of Wisconsin-Madison -
ER-2 track on GOES visible image, 3 December 2003
ER-2 track on GOES infrared image, 3 December 2003