Spin-Scan Cloud Camera (SSCC)
The ATS 1 Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera (SSCC) was designed to provide nearly continuous observations of cloudcover patterns over the whole sunlit earth disk. The optical system consisted of a two-element Cassegrain-type telescope. Light entering the system was reflected from a 13.7-cm-diameter (25.4-cm focal length) primary parabolic mirror onto a flat secondary quartz mirror to produce an image on the face of an aperture plate. The light then passed through the 0.025-mm-diameter aperture and a haze filter to impinge on a photocathode in front of a photomultiplier tube. The telescope photomultiplier assembly could be tilted in discrete steps from 7.5 to -7.5 deg to produce a north-south scan, corresponding to an earth coverage from 52 deg N to 52 deg S. The east-to-west scan was provided by the spin of the satellite itself. Twenty minutes were required to scan one picture, and 2 min to retrace it at a nominal satellite rotation of 100 rpm. From its geosynchronous orbit the camera system had a ground resolution of better than 4 km at the subsatellite point. The experiment was highly successful through October 16, 1972.
From National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC ID: 1966-110A-09
The ATS 3 Multicolor Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera (MSSCC) represented a significant advance over a similar but monochromatic spin-scan camera on ATS 1. The MSSCC was mounted with its optical axis perpendicular to the spacecraft’s spin axis and viewed the earth through a special aperture in the spacecraft’s side. The camera consisted of a high-resolution telescope, three photomultiplier light detectors (red, blue, and green), and a precision latitude step mechanism. Light entering the system was focused alternately on a set of three 0.038-mm aperture plates and then passed through various filters to impinge on the appropriate photodetector. The telescope multiplier assembly could be tilted in discrete steps to provide pole-to-pole coverage in 2400 scan lines. East-to-west scan was provided by the spin of the satellite itself. A total time of 24 min was required to scan one frame and 2.4 min to retrace with a nominal satellite rotation of 100 rpm. From its geosynchronous orbit, the camera had a ground resolution of better than 4 km at nadir. The experiment was successful, with ATS 3 being the first spacecraft to transmit operational multicolor earth-cloud photographs. Approximately 3 months after launch, however, the red and blue channels failed, and the system subsequently was limited to producing black-and-white pictures. Good quality black-and-white pictures were received daily until December 11, 1974, when operations were curtailed to three pictures a week. Experiment operation was completely discontinued on October 30, 1975.
From National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC ID: 1967-111A-01
- Dr. Verner E. Suomi Space Science and Engineering Center
Related Websites
Gehrels, T., Suomi, V. E., and Krauss, R. J. The capabilities of the spin-scan imaging technique. In Space Research XII. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1972, pp1765-1769. Reprint #452.
Hanson, Kirby J. and Suomi, Verner E. The inspace, absolute calibration of ATS-I cloud camera. In Studies in atmospheric energetics based on aerospace probings, Annual report-1967 (WBG-27). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1968, pp153-178. UW MET Publication No.68.05.S1.
Hasler, A. F. and Kornfield, J. Display and analysis of ATS-1 and ATS-3 spin scan cloud camera pictures through time-lapse movie techniques. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], pp8p., tables. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Hasler, A. F., Kornfield, J., and Jensen L. Appendix: A “blink” measuring technique for quantitative measurement of cloud motion from ATS-I spin scan camera pictures. In Meteorological measurements from satellite platforms: Annual scientific report on NAS5-11542, 1969-1970. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1971, pp124-132. UW SSEC Publication No.71.08.M2.
Linstrom, John. Processing, archival and documentation of the ATS-1 spin scan cloud camera photographic data. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], pp9p. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Multicolor spin-scan cloud camera. Test data book: Flight qualification and multiplexer acceptance. Goleta, CA, Santa Barbara Research Center for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1967. Various paging. University of Wisconsin-SBRC Subcontract No.2. UW SSEC Publication No.67.00.S2.
Parent, Robert J. and Suomi, Verner E. Prelaunch camera calibration. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], pp6p., figures. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Santa Barbara Research Center and University of Wisconsin. ATS spin-scan cloud camera and prelaunch calibration procedure. In Studies in atmospheric energetics based on aerospace probings Annual report-1966 (WBG-27). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1967, pp1-40. UW MET Publication No.67.03.S1.
Sunderlin, Wendell S. and Lahzun, John P. Ground display and recording equipment for the spin scan camera system. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], pp26p., figures. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Sunderlin, Wendell S. The spin scan camera system on Applications Technology Satellite-I [ATS]. Greenbelt, MD, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, [1967]. 21p. NAS 1.102:967.
Suomi, V. E. and Parent, R. J. A proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for a spin scan camera system for the second ATS spin stabilized synchronous satellite (ATS-SASSE-2) (Amendment to contract NAS5-9677). In NASA ATS proposals. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1965. UW SSEC Publication No.64.00.S1 – Located in Satellite History Documents.
Suomi, V. E. and Parent, R. J. A proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for a supplement to contract NAS 5-9677 for research and development on a ground station system for the spin scan camera. In NASA ATS proposals. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, n.d.. UW SSEC Publication No.64.00.S1 – Located in Satellite History Documents.
Suomi, V. E. and Parent, R. J. A proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for color spin scan camera for ATS-C. In NASA ATS proposals. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1966. UW SSEC Publication No.64.00.S1 – Located in Satellite History Documents.
Suomi, V. E. and Parent, R. J. Proposal: Spin scan camera system for a synchronous satellite prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In NASA ATS proposals. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1965. UW SSEC Publication No.64.00.S1 – Located in Satellite History Documents.
Suomi, Verner E. and Krauss, R. J. The spin scan camera system: Geostationary meteorological satellite workhorse for a decade. Optical Engineering v.17, no.1, 1978, pp6-13. Reprint #12
Suomi, Verner E. A proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for continuing support in research and technology using the ATS spin scan cloud camera. In NASA ATS proposals. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, n.d. UW SSEC Publication No.64.00.S1
Thomsen, R. N. preparer. ATS spin-scan cloud camera: Final report. Goleta, CA, Santa Barbara Research Center for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1966. Various paging. University of Wisconsin-SBRC Subcontract No.1. UW SSEC Publication No.66.06.S1.
Thomsen, R. N. preparer. Multicolor spin-scan cloud camera: Final report. Goleta, CA, Santa Barbara Research Center for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1967. Various paging. University of Wisconsin-SBRC Subcontract No.2. UW SSEC Publication No.67.12.S1.
Thomsen, R., Parent, R., and Suomi, V. ATS-1 spin-scan cloud camera. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], pp16p., figures. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Whitney, Merle B., Doolittle, Russell C., and Goddard, Brent. Processing and display experiments using digitized ATS-1 spin scan camera data. In Weather in motion [alternate working title – Weather motions from space]. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1968], unpaged. UW SSEC Publication 68.00.S1.
Spin-Scan Cloud Camera cut-away drawing with parts labeled
From: The Applications Technology Satellite Meteorological Data Catalog, v.1. NASA -
Image of Earth made by Spin Scan Cloud Camera on ATS-1, 11 December 1966
Multicolor Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera cut-away diagram with parts labeled
From: The Applications Technology Satellite Data Catalog, v.2. NASA. -
Color image of Earth made by the Multicolor Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera on ATS-3, 18 November 1967
Robert Parent (left), V. E. Suomi (second from left), and colleagues view ATS photos made possible by the Spin-Scan Cloud Camera
University of Wisconsin Communications