Oral histories
AMS Oral History Interview
Oral history interview with Dr. Verner Suomi conducted by Gisela Kutzbach for the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Tape Recorded Interview Project. All materials copyright of the American Meteorological Society, reprinted with permission.
Remembering Verner Edward Suomi: The Father of Satellite Meteorology an Oral History
Video and audio recordings of an oral history panel hosted in honor of the memory of Dr. Verner Suomi at the 50 Years of Meteorological Satellite Experiments reception in Madison, Wisconsin in 2009.
Dr. Robert J. Fox (moderator) Dr. Thomas O. Haig
Dr. Donald R. Johnson Dr. William L. Smith
Dr. Lawrence A. Sromovsky Dr. Charles R. Stearns
Dr. Thomas H. Vonder Haar
Watch the videos here: part 1, part 2, and part 3